Now showing items 1-7 of 7
PROTAF (Product Test Analysis Feedback)
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2002)
La corporación Intel®, así como su subsidiaria Componentes Intel® de Costa Rica S.A., tienen como misión hacer un excelente trabajo para sus clientes, empleados y accionistas, siendo el principal suplidor de plataformas ...
Desarrollo de una interfaz hacia el protocolo iec 870-5 para una unidad terminal remota de una unidad terminal remota de un sistema scada.
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2002)
This document explains the design and the details of implementation of a protocol converter device for a SCADA system. Specifically, it was designed to make possible the connection between a remote terminal unit (RTU) which ...
Investigación sobre la posible prevención de fallas falsas de un procesador en las pruebas de verificación de calidad
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2003)
The project “PPV false failures reduction investigation”, was developed at
Componentes Intel de Costa Rica S.A. located at La Ribera de Belén, Heredia, Costa
This work lied in an investigation which main goal was ...
Diseño de una Plataforma Tecnológica para asegurar la Continuidad de Negocios
Now days, companies are increasingly dependent on information technology (IT) in their daily activities. Dependency ranges from simple email service, up videoconferencing services and customer relationship management systems ...
Diseño de un MODEM para transmitir y recibir información a través de las líneas de potencia en una red HAN
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2002)
The increase of technology and information turn the computer in a very necessary tool. Every day more people search for new forms to interconnect these computers in networks to obtain the best productivity and performance.
The ...
Diseño de la interfaz PCI para la tarjeta HDLC-4M
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2001)
The present work was designed to fulfill an existing need for the company Cibertec International: designing a PCI card capable of receiving signaling data SS7, coming from its sampling equipment and also filter that ...
Medidor digital de voltajes para el express bus de los cajeros automáticos de la marca Diebold
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2000)
The project of Graduation titled Digital Meter of Voltages for the Express Bus of the Automatic Teller of the mark Diebold elaborated by student Mel Wilhelm Fonseca was developed in the company GBM of Costa Rica, located ...