Herramienta digital para el registro de cirugías con dispositivos médicos implantables y la visualización de datos.
Have you ever wondered, how the documentation of surgeries with implants
is managed or, even more importantly, how to access the information of
those documents?
When dealing with the medical industry, we may think that all methods
implemented are always secure and digital, however, the reality in Costa
Rica is different. Even though medical companies try to keep track of
records and access their content "easily", the documentation continues to
be done manually and is stored in logs. These methods may generate loss
documents, implicate a high demand of time when searching a specific
record and when trying to obtain statistic data such as implant placement,
clients and number of surgeries performed, the search has to be done
manually in Excel.
The following project presents the stages of development, from the collection
of information and usability tests, to the development of the application
interface proposal. Its objective is to propose a digital tool for the registration
of surgeries with implants that will facilitate the access to the information of
the registers, both at the level of search and data visualization.
Proyecto de Graduación (Bachillerato en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Diseño Industrial, 2018