Verificación funcional de un controlador de memoria para un dispositivo médico implantable.
When a design is made for a product that needs to have a stable and continuous operation
and also that is not expected to fail, the fucntional operation of the devices must be checked
before delivering them to the end user, in this case the microprocessor designed by the Escuela
de Electrónica must be ensured that the operation is almost perfect since its application as
part of implantable medical devices so it can ensure life or cause the death of the user. In order
to ensure the proper functioning of these devices, the Universal Verification Methodology
or UVM will be used to verify the function of this device, this methodology is used by the
integrated circuits design industries, it will ensure that from design stages it is possible to
verify the operation of up to the last component of this microprocessor; This document
focuses on memory control and the design of the environment to be able to verify it.
Palabras Clave: functional verification, UVM, verification, memory controller, code coverage,
functional coverage.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Electrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2018.