Diseño de un sistema de monitorización remota y control para la automatización de una planta de concreto en el proyecto de ampliación de la planta Cachí
In time where energy is needed more, the renovation of hydroelectric projects is fundamental to supply the people with energy. That is why the expansion of the plant of Cachí was born, to add another generator managed by the construction of a second tunnel.
In that context of expansion emerges the utilization of a concrete plant that supplies the different work fronts of the project with several kinds of mixes of concrete accord to the requirements of engineers.
Formulas of concrete obey standards based in the resistance expressed in kilogram by squared centimeter.
The concrete plant as a whole system is very complex and joins mechanical and electric processes of different power which frequently fails and it needs many time and money to solve them.
The project has two principal work fronts named Cachi and El Congo in Tucurrique where in the second one is located the house of machine and the concrete plant.
In presence of a failure, the workshop of equipment and technical support most be notified, because the will send a group of electricians with the right equipment to determinate which situation has happened.
The trip to the El Congo is about 25 minutes and during this time, the plant does not produce any concrete.
In consequence arises in the present project a system that allows the communication of the technical personal in charge of the plant and the systems of control, considering suitable equipment and protocols for carrying out communication via the Internet.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Electrónica). Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2012.