Potencial de producción de biomasa forestal residual dentro de un área de 20 kilómetros de radio desde la empresa Biomass Internacional de Costa Rica, Abangares, Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
This study was conducted in Abangares , Cañas and plantations of teak ( Tectona grandis ) and melina (Gmelina arborea) in the cantons of Hojancha and Nandayure , Guanacaste, Costa Rica . The overall objective was to determine the potential production of forest biomass within 20 Km of the company Biomass and develop allometric models that relate the diameter at breast height ( dbh ) under the trade Smalian volume and weight of usable waste in plantations teak and melina as one of the specific objectives. The methodology of satellite programs as Quantum Gis 2.4 or Google Earth producers were used to locate sites and the SAS statistical program to generate prediction equations waste. A total of 5611.55 hectares of producing sites, of which detected 44 % of the territory are forest plantations, 31% wooded thickets while the wooded pastures constitute 25 %. The total biomass production by type of coverage was estimated as follows: 10992.96 tons of biomass are areas of woodland pasture, wooded thickets 96584.62 tonnes to a total of 43423.66 tonnes of biomass from forest plantations. Regarding the prediction of dry weight of waste gmelina 3 equations for 5 to 35 cm of dbh trees 3 equations and teak tree diameters of 5 to 15 cm dbh trees were generated The suggestion of the preliminary equation was used for the purpose of this work is provided. We conclude that most of the production area is concentrated within 10 kilometers radius from the company Biomass and forest plantations account for most of the area of the area within this radius .
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Forestal) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, 2014.