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Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú
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Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú
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Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 556
Volume equations for young stands of Pinus taeda L. on the Santa Catarina Plateau
Luz de Souza , Eduardo; Felipe Vuolo , Allan; Costa Cysneiros, Vinicius
Factors influencing the spatial distribution of conifers
García-García , Samuel Alberto; Rascón-Solano , Joel; Pérez-Álvarez , Sandra; Alanís-Rodríguez , Eduardo; Hernández-Salas , Javier
Allometric models to estimate diameter and total height growth of Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemão cultivated in Costa Rica.
Vallejos, Jonathan; Murillo-Gamboa, Olman
Presence of orchids and the relationship with their phorophytes in the Guanacaste National Park Dry Forest
Sánchez-Toruño, Henry; Barquero-Elizondo, Ana Isabel; Rodríguez-Quirós, Leonardo; Méndez-Mejías, Luis Diego; Montero-Flores, William; Mesén-Montano, Isaac; Hernández-Sánchez, Gustavo
Flight planning and data processing of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in forest plantation monitoring.
Hernández-Cole, Javier; Villalobos-Barquero, Verónica; Guevara-Bonilla, Mario; Ortiz-Malavasi, Edgar
Development of an in vitro establishment protocol for selected material of cenízaro (Samanea saman Jacq. Merr.)
Corrales-Torres , María Elena; Hine-Gómez , Ana; Sánchez-Calvo , Laura; Hernández Castro, William
Use of a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) for the structural characterization of tropical dry forest and forest plantations in Costa Rica
Jiménez-Méndez, Orlando; Guevara-Bonilla, Mario; Soto-Montoya, Casia; Quesada-Monge, Ruperto
Crown morphometry of Neltuma alba (Griseb.) in young plantations from Formosa, Argentina
Leonor López, Liza; Cañete, María Cristina; Ramón Pérez, Víctor
Mosses and lichens: Their biological characteristics for their conservation and sustainable use at Cerro de la Muerte, Costa Rica
Chavarría-Valverde, María Yarenis; Gastezzi-Arias, Paola; Wo Ching-Wong, Ana Victoria
Dinámica de hojarasca en un bosque seco tropical tardío y relación con variables de clima y balance hídrico, Costa Rica
Calvo-Alvarado , Julio César; Rodríguez-Solís, María; Calvo-Obando, Ana
GA3 and BAP on the productivity of clonal mini gardens of Tectona grandis Linn. F
Rodríguez-Solís, Arantxa; Badilla-Valverde, Yorleny; Murillo-Gamboa, Olman
Population characterization of Pteridium arachnoideum (Kaulf.) Maxon and its vegetation associated with the anthropic moorland of Souther Ecuador
Tillaguango-Pintado, Jhoana; Muñoz-Chamba, Luis; Muñoz, Johana; Aguirre, Zhofre
Competition radius between trees in an Atlantic Forest fragment under forest recovery
Oliveira Lafetá , Bruno; da Silva Madureira , Nívea Fransuelli; dos Santos, Milene Alves; Alves Pimenta , Ivelton; Paranhos Barbosa , Gabriela; Ilhéu Fontan , Ivan da Costa; dos Santos Vieira , Diego
Taper equations adjusted for Corimbya citriodora Hill & Johnson using data generated by the relative height method.
Vieira Terra, David Lucas Camargo; Lima de Andrade, Valdir Carlos
Alternativas de modelagem para a estimativa da altura de eucalipto Modeling alternatives for height estimate of eucalypt
Oliveira Lafetá , Bruno; Alves Pimenta , Ivelton; dos Santos , Milene Alves; Xavier Rodrigues , Heloisa Brenda; Ilhéu Fontan , Ivan da Costa; Ferraro , Ana Carolina; dos Santos Vieira , Diego
Early performance of mahagony clones (Swietenia macrophylla King) at Pococí from Limón, Costa Rica
Ávila-Arias, Carlos; González-González, Wendy; Chichilla-Mora, Orlando; Meza-Picado, Víctor
Cultivation costs of superior mahogany clones (Swietenia macrophylla King) up to 4 years old in Costa Rica
Corea-Arias, Eugenio; Chinchilla-Mora, Orlando; Meza-Picado, Víctor; Ávila-Arias, Carlos
Early selection of mahogany clones (Swietenia macrophylla King) in agroforestry systems
Corea-Arias, Eugenio; Chinchilla-Mora, Orlando; Meza-Picado, Víctor; Ávila-Arias, Carlos
Trees of the Central Valley of Costa Rica: reproduction guanacaste (Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.).
Rojas-Rodríguez, Freddy; Torres-Córdoba, Gustavo
Carvajal-Vanegas, Dorian