Recuperación del bosque húmedo tropical 19 años despues de la cosecha bajo cuatro sistemas de manejo forestal, Osa, Costa Rica
Were measured all trees (d ≥ 10cm) and also were botanically identify the
entries in four plots permanents of sampling (PPS) of 1 ha, established in 1990
from Estero Guerra, Osa Peninsula , Costa Rica).
Based on information recollected from this plots and eight more PPS of 1 ha,
established in Los Mogos and Dos Brazos de Rio Rincón, (Osa Peninsula,
Costa Rica) since 1990, was analized the recovering of the forest 19 years after
the use of four different systems of forestal management. In the study of the
recovering of the wet tropical forest of the Osa Peninsula, were used data
bases coming from the measurements done in the PPS, for trhee years: 1990
(forest without intevention), 2007 (15 years after the harverst) and 2011 (19
years after the haverst). The analisis of the recovering of the forest, was done
based on the behavior of the horizontal structure, commercial groups,
ecologycal unions, mortality, recruitmen and exchange rates, biologycal
biodiversty, growth, conservation status and behavior of the forest 15 years
after the intervention. There were no found statistical diferences between the
number of individuals and the basal area per hectare, individuals and the basal
area per commercial group and ecologycal union shown in the 1990 (primary
forest) and the 19 years after the use, or between the management systems.
Which is evidence of recovering on these areas after 19 years from the
intervention. Was determined that the minimal reference value for the basal
area established by the present Forestry Law should be rise for the disturbed
forest in Osa Peninsula.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Forestal). Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2011.