Plan de control de calidad para la supervisión del proyecto San José-Caldera
The present work is focus on the preparation of
the Quality Control Plan of the materials and
constructive process of the principal activities of
the execution of the project San Jose-Caldera.
This Quality Control Plan, in conjuction with the
Self-Control Quality Plan made by the
Concessionary Society, fullfils the objective of
serve as a base for the verication of the technical
especificactions of the contract.
For his elaboration, it has been necessary to
make a process of investigation of the contract
obligations in terms of qualirty control ina all of the
activities that take part of the project.
A document has been elaborated in which a
section that describe the principal constructive
activities and a compilation of the technical
especifications of the materials used in the
execution of this activities are presented. This
document will serve as a n inspection guide for
the technical personel of the Supervision Unit
working on the field.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2016.