Desarrollo de un ambiente controlado para la producción de hortalizas para la Empresa Indigo Drones
In some places of our country there are hostile environments in which, due to climatic consequences, the production of vegetables is complicated. There are also more people living in heavily populated areas every day, resulting in a growing demand for locally grown and sustainably produced food, and even city dwellers want their food to be fresh and full of nutrients, packaged and shipped from thousands of miles away.
Our climate is also constantly changing due to the excessive pollution we live in today, extreme weather conditions are becoming more common, land and water are increasingly scarce, large scale food production and distribution have had a Significant impact on the earth's ecosystem.
It is for this reason that the company Indigo Drones has begun work in search of alternatives for the production of this type of crops, through research and different activities that allow you to find the best solution to the problem that we live today.
Therefore in the present project it is proposed to develop a prototype of controlled environment that is able to control physical variables necessary for the growth of plants such as luminosity, temperature, carbon dioxide and humidity.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Electrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2016.