Arquitectura de desambiguación lingüística guiada por dominios de conocimiento distribuidos para traducción automática de lengua española a LESCO
Current statistical methods necessity of large sets of phrase examples between two
languages and the increasing research in sign languages, implies the search of new
strategies to make more flexible inclusion of new vocabulary and produce it correctly
according to the speech context. This thesis introduces the design and implementation of
a distributed architecture of semantic threads for a Spanish language to Costa Rican
Sign Language (LESCO) translation. It is showed the effectiveness of a contextual
recognition algorithm proposed for this architecture through tests of informative texts and
the use of linguistically validated corpora.
Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Computación) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Computación, 2017.
- Maestría en Computación [107]