Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 24

      Palabras clave
      Tableros de Control [1]
      Tableros de control [1]
      Talento Humano [1]
      Talento humano [2]
      Tarifa Promedio [1]
      Tarifas [1]
      Tecnología [2]
      Tecnología de la información [2]
      Tecnologías de Información [1]
      Tecnologías de la información [1]
      Temporada alta [1]
      Temporada baja [1]
      Teoría organizacional [6]
      Tesis [20]
      TFSC [42]
      The present final graduation work is about the creation of the procedures manual in the Hotel Lomas del Volcán for the reception and lounge departments, the above because it does not exist in the organization, so the creation of one could help to standardize and improve each of the procedures in the indicated areas. The process for the realization of the current procedures manual could be summarized in several stages, first the collection employing questionnaires to the company collaborators in charge of the procedures. Then the results would be analyzed through the feedback matrix, above to find ways to improve the procedures so that they are efficient and effective. In the end, a proposal with improvements would be made, based on what was considered to be modified in the in-depth analysis in the previous stage, in addition, a graphic representation will be added to the proposal, using flow diagrams. The results of the project are standardized and improved procedures, guides for new collaborators when entering the company, and documentation of great importance for the company. [1]
      TIC [1]
      Tools -- Automation [1]
      Toyota Motor Corporation [2]
      Trade Marketing [1]