Inventario e inspección de 10 puentes ubicados en las rutas cantonales de San Ramón de Alajuela
The main objective of this work is to inventory and inspect ten bridges belonging to roadways which are administered by San Ramon’s Municipal Administration. The bridges are located at San Rafael and Santiago districts. These bridges were chosen by this governmental authority to know their status, so that general recommendations can be given. This will be made through a proposal with a prioritization method. It intends to provide an actual report about these bridges’ current status by using MOPT’s inspection manuals. Consequently, an intervention order will be generated guided by physical damages as well as the socio-economic factor. By doing this, San Ramon’s Municipal Administration will be able to make the corresponding expenses for improvement and maintenance of these bridges more effectively. Therefore, budget will be invested first and foremost.
With this project, it was identified that a bridge is important, not only because of its structure, but also due to its socio-economic impact and how it plays an important part in decision making and nearby communities. The purpose of the prioritization is that the process of selecting the bridges is objective.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2018.