Caracterización y Comparación de las Arquitecturas de Unidades Centrales de Procesamiento Generadas en Rocketchip
This paper reports the measurement power of the Rocket architectures generated by the
Rocketchip tool. The characterization was carried out by the use of VCS and Verilator
simulators and by the practical implementation of a Zedboard, measuring the clock cycles
and instructions counted in the execution of programs written in C language. To measure the
e ciency of the instructions added by the extensions, the CPI was calculated in the di erent
Benchmarks to obtain the average cycles that take each instruction. The programs used were
a set of RISC-V benchmarks (found in the Rocketchip tool repertoire), a suit applied to the
MSP430 processor (found in the bibliography) and the Dhrystone program. The RISC-V suit
was used to measure the performance of the additions, operations in memory and execution
of multiplication by software. The suit of the MSP430 is used to compare the measure
the performance of mathematical operations, lters, state machines and memory with this
processor. Practical results were also compared with simulator's results. The Dhrystone
program served to compare the performance of Rocket processors implemented with others
found in the literature with similar characteristics. By a power report made on Vivado, it
was estimated the dynamic power consumption.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Electrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2017.