Implementación de la etapa de arranque (bootstrap) de un microprocesador basado en RISC-V para el Sistema de Reconocimiento de Patrones Acústicos (SiRPA).
In the following work, a unit of program instruction loading (hereinafter bootstrap unit)
was carried on the RISC-V based microprocessor of the Acoustic Pattern Recognition
System (SiRPA). At the time of the development of this project, the memory map architecture
for the SiRPA project microprocessor was being restructured, so the unit to
be implemented was made under the concept of using a single port SRAM as a memory
The unit has the communication functions, in SPI protocol, with the program source,
data bus controller and the instruction program writing in memory.
This system was implemented on an FPGA, in order to perform functional tests of communication
with the source of the program, a micro SD card.
In addition, the unit was implemented at the logic implementation level in the Synopsys
tool, in 180 nm technology.
Finally, the bootstrap unit is compatible with a large number of SDSC and SDHC microSD
cards, which follow the protocol convention according to the SD Card Association.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Electrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2017.