• Constructing a small modular stellarator in Latin America 

      Asenjo, J.; Carvajal-Godínez, Johan; González-Gómez, J.; Soto-Soto, C.; Piedra, C.; Barillas-Mora, Laura; Mora-Meléndez, Jaime; Otárola-Zúñiga, Carlos; Zamora-Picado, Esteban; Vargas-Blanco, Iván (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015-03)
      This paper aims at briefly describing the design and construction issues of the stellarator of Costa Rica 1 (SCR-1). The SCR-1 is a small modular stellarator for magnetic confinement of plasma developed by the Plasma ...
    • Engineering of the Stellarator of Costa Rica: SCR-1 

      Piedra, C.; Jiménez, W.; Esquivel, L.; Esquivel, R.; Sánchez, K.; González, J.; Mora-Meléndez, Jaime; Otárola-Zúñiga, Carlos; Vargas-Blanco, Iván (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015-03)
      This Paper aims at briefly describing the challenge of the design and construction of the Stellarator of Costa Rica 1 (SCR-1) [1]. The SCR-1 is a small modular Stellarator for magnetic confinement of plasma (Ro=0.238 m, ...
    • Estudio de materiales, diseño y métodos de manufactura aditiva, para estructura modular de soporte para bobinas superconductoras: informe tipo 1 

      Otárola-Zúñiga, Carlos; Queral-Mas, Vicente M. (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2023-12)
      La investigación en ingeniería de fusión se encuentra en franco crecimiento, con la construcción de dispositivos alrededor del mundo. Uno de ellos, el Stellarator (del inglés stella + generator), es un dispositivo de ...
    • Implementation of stellarator of Costa Rica 1 SCR-1 

      Vargas-Blanco, Ivan; Otárola-Zúñiga, Carlos; Zamora-Picado, Esteban; Mora-Meléndez, Jaime; Mora, A; Asenjo, J.; Villalobos, E (26th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering, SOFE 2015, 2015)
      The SCR-1 is a small modular stellarator designed, constructed and is being implemented at Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. The project is its final phase of commissioning and it is expected to be operational in June ...