Lecciones basadas en podcasts: una herramienta útil para mejorar la competencia oral descriptiva en estudiantes universitarios
Podcast-based lessons: a useful tool to improve university students’ descriptive oral skills
Sandoval Zapata, Marcos Marcelo
Díaz Larenas, Claudio
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This article aims to analyze the impact of using podcast-based lessons in order to improve descriptive oral skills in a cohort of Chilean tertiary education students. The participants underwent four synchronous podcasting sessions in which feedback was provided using an eight-criteria analytic rubric. At the end of the intervention, a focus group was conducted, in order to collect the participants’ perceptions on the new methodology. Their responses evidenced that this methodology was a valuable complement to their EFL classes, being pronunciation and fluency the criteria they perceived as the most benefitted.
Revista Comunicación; Vol. 29 Núm. 1-2020 (41); 52-68 , 1659-3820 , 0379-3974 .Compartir
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