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dc.contributor.authorMorera-Ávila, María Mayela
dc.descriptionProyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Gerencia de Proyectos). Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Área Académica de Gerencia de Proyectos, 2012.
dc.description.abstractThe housing deficit in Costa Rica, on the rise in recent years, poses a major challenge to the Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements (MIVAH), as the governing authority for the sector, in regard to the satisfaction of the need for housing of Costa Rican society. The National Institute of Housing and Urban Development (INVU) plays an important role in the housing sector, as executing agency of the policies and guidelines that are dictated in this field, to meet the above needs of housing. Within its organizational structure the INVU has a unit called the Area of Housing and Social Interest (AVIS), dedicated to comply with this institutional goal. Currently, however, AVIS is not generating enough supply of housing solutions that meet the existing demand. This is the problem posed to be solved, since its procedural perspective, through the proposal of the design and implementation of a Project Management Office in AVIS. This work is a transversal research, applied, explanatory, with descriptive characteristics, in which desk and field research was used, through interviews, application of questionnaires and direct observation. In the development of the research, a diagnosis of maturity in AVIS and a psychological study of some of their staff were carried out, based on the results obtained, it was suggested the implementation of a PMO type "Control Tower", which is located as a direct dependency of the Chief of the area, with objectives, functions, roles, profiles and specific responsibilities. There was also an implementation scheme in 6 phases over a period of fifty-two weeks, to minimize the resistance to change and enhance the positive personality traits found in some of the individuals subjected to the aforementioned psychological evaluation. It was concluded that the implementation of a Project Management Office in AVIS, will enable the increase in the effectiveness of its management, so it can contribute to the INVU to, as the State charges it through its creative act, take care of the housing needs of Costa Ricans and contribute to the MIVAH in achieving its
dc.publisherInstituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
dc.subjectGestión de proyectoses
dc.subjectVivienda sociales
dc.subjectEvaluación de psicológicaes
dc.titlePropuesta de Plan de Diseño e implementación de una Oficina de Administración de Proyectos en el área de Vivienda de Interés Social del Instituto Nacional de Vivienda y Urbanismoes
dc.typetesis de maestríaes

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