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dc.contributor.authorAlvarado-Alvarado, José Francisco
dc.descriptionProyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThis project aims to verify the quality of the construction process of the expansion and rehabilitation of National Route n°1 North Interamerican highway Cañas–Liberia section, including concrete finishing and placement of load transfer bars, analysis of the properties of the materials used for the manufacture of concrete mix, its properties and an inspection of the pavement two months later of its collocation. The General Specifications for Highways, Roads and Bridges Construction Manual (CR- 2010) and the RTCR 383 are the sources of the information necessary to complete this work. The results of the tests applied to the materials and to the concrete were prepared and supplied by the laboratory LGC to perform the data analysis. The work place was visited to monitor the construction process in order to analyze it and compare it to the requirements contained in the CR-2010, using control sheets that are being used until now for FCC. The Manual for Rigid Pavement Construction was made with the information collected from the field and from the CR-2010,this Manual is the guide for using the control sheets. It was concluded that all materials met the specifications, except for the cement which does not reach the limits of insoluble residue content and loss on ignition. The compression and flexural strengths of the rigid pavement slabs averaged analyzed, exceed the minimum strength requirement established in the CR-2010. Also it was determined that the pavement does not show important deterioration.es_CR
dc.publisherInstituto Tecnológico de Costa Ricaes_CR
dc.subjectConstrucción de carreterases_CR
dc.subjectAseguramiento de la calidades_CR
dc.titleControl de calidad de los procesos de elaboración, colocación y curado de losas de concreto de cemento hidráulico del proyecto ampliación y rehabilitación de la Ruta Nacional 1, Carretera Interamericana Norte, Sección Cañas-Liberiaes_CR
dc.typetesis de licenciaturaes_CR

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