Sistema específico de valoración del riesgo Institucional en la Unidad de Servicios Administrativos del SENARA
Public institutions are dependent on its own control, in the establishment, operation, maintenance, improvement and evaluation of its internal control systems. The management of these agencies is governed by laws and regulations which must be applied to the complex institutional laws and regulations in order to ensure due process and general compliance with governmental layouts. This project aims to develop a Specific System on Institutional Risk Assessment in the Administrative Services Unit at SENARA. The development of this study, as well as complying with the provisions of the law, born on the necessity for the institution to be able to participate in activities that may affect, positively or negatively, the achievement of corporate goals, because this department represents one of the most important concerns for the institution. SENARA is a public institution that works in four key areas of action: irrigation, drainage, flood prevention and research and preservation of aquifers, all of that oriented on the management and optimal efficient utilization of water resources for domestic production, and to develop and improve the quality of life of the Costa Rican people.
Proyecto de Graduación (Bachillerato en Administración de Empresas) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Administración de Empresas, 2014.