Recognition model for Costa Rican plant species identification
In the last decade, research in Computer Vision has developed algorithms to help
botanists and non-experts classify plants based on images of their leaves. Nevertheless,
very few efficient tools have resulted from that research and have actually been
used in the field. The most popular system to date is LeafSnap. It is considered a
state-of-the art leaf recognition mobile application. It uses a multi scale curvature
model of the leaf margin to classify leaf images into species. LeafSnap was applied
to 184 tree species from Northeast US and achieved high levels of accuracy for that
group of trees. In this document, we extend the research that led to the development of
LeafSnap along several lines. First, LeafSnap’s underlying algorithms are applied to a
set of species from Costa Rica. Then, texture is used as an additional criteria in order
to improve the level of accuracy of LeafSnap’s original algorithms. Thus, the main goal
of this research is to measure the level of improvement in automatic Costa Rican tree
species identification achieved when texture analysis is added to the curvature model
of margins of leaves. Our results confirm our hypothesis since the level of improvement
reaches a 0.168 for the Costa Rican clean subset, and 0.431 for the Costa Rican noisy
subset. In both cases, our results show this increment as statistically significant.
Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Computación) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Computación, 2014.
- Maestría en Computación [107]