Determinación de Asentamientos Teóricos en Rellenos Sanitarios
This project studies municipal solid waste (MSW) settlement. The objective is to estimate, predict and compare theoretical settlements thru the use of existing settlement models. Also, to recommend actions to take in order to calibrate these models to the situation in Costa Rica and run characterizing laboratory tests in the soil and the waste by extracting samples of different ages from a landfill.
In parallel, an investigation of the components that influence MSW settlement, how it happens and how to calculate them is developed. This research included also the country’s reality of landfilling.
New information about laboratory testing in waste is generated to understand the bacteria condition in that environment. Each test’s information is related to how it influences settlement on the landfill.
From a total of 11 models reviewed, it is determined that the model made by Sowers in 1973 is the most adaptable one. And the model made by Babu et al (2010) is the most complete one, nevertheless, not to be used in Costa Rica because of the lack of information at present. But, none of the models can be utilized to determinate waste settlement without previous calibration on field, because the results are not precise.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2012.