Mejora y Calibración Mediante la Inspección Del Modelo de Priorización de Obras de Infraestructuras de Drenaje (Mpoid)
Investment planning in the area of road is one of
the lowest points in the public administration. The
main problem in the maintenance is ignorance of
the existing structures, conditions of this
structures and the relationship between the
environment and the road.
This model is about network-level
management that aims to be a tool for defining
maintenance policies in drainage works, also is
important the fact that the model is part of the
unbundling of vial structures in its main elements,
pavements, slope and restraint systems and
drainage infrastructure, this for the purpose of
efficient management of the budget, because it
defines the elements that really are needed to
improve the conditions of the road network.
In this model involves seven subcriteria,
which are grouped into three main criteria, socioeconomic,
environmental and infrastructure.
The weighting is performed using the
multicriteria evaluation, which in order to obtain a
complete evaluation is simplified user in a simple
sorting that for the decision maker is becomes a
fairly simple task.
The sources that supply the model come
from different institutions, such as Instituto
Nacional de Estadistica y Censos, Ministerio
Nacional de Planificación y Políticas Económicas,
Consejo Nacional de Vialidad, Municipalities,
Comisión Nacional de Emergencias, PRUGAM
and research projects related to civil engineering
graduate and construction.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2013.