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dc.contributor.authorRomero-Lépiz, Johnny Arturo
dc.descriptionInforme de Trabajo de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Computadores). Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería en Computadores.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this work is to develop an application to show the Costa Rica’s vector wind field. Data of wind speed and direction of the year 2014 were used, this information was provided by the Instituto Meteorológico Nacional and collected by twenty weather stations spread around the country. An interpolation algorithm of inverse distance weighted was developed in order to create a vector field as a representation of the country’s wind flow; the data of the stations of the Instituto Meteorológico Nacional were used as initial data and for other sectors of the country, where no stations are found, the interpolation algorithm was used. Finally a web application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the D3.js library was developed to show the vector wind field animation, it was performed using lines in motion with the direction and speed of the wind. Keywords: Weather Stations; Inverse distance weighted interpolation; D3.js; Wind power; Climatic zones of Costa Rica; OpenGL; Parallel.js; Geographic Information
dc.description.sponsorshipInstituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería en Computadores; Instituto Meteorológico Nacional de Costa
dc.publisherInstituto Tecnológico de Costa Ricaes
dc.subjectEstaciones Meteoreológicases
dc.subjectZonas Climáticases
dc.subjectEnergía Eólicaes
dc.subjectInstituto Meteorológico Nacionales
dc.subjectDatos: dirección y rapidez del vientoes
dc.titleHerramienta en ambiente web para la visualización de las corrientes de viento en Costa Ricaes
dc.title.alternativeWeb environment tool to display Costa Rica’s wind flowes
dc.typetesis de licenciaturaes

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