Gestión de residuos sólidos para la empresa SYL Ingeniería S.A. aplicado a los proyectos Condominio San Martín y Condominio Ventana
In the guided professional practice "Solid waste management for SYL Ingeniería S.A., applied to San Martín and Ventana's condominiums" an investigation was performed where final waste disposal alternatives were identified, clasified and proposed, adapted to the construction conditions and the fragile area where the projects are situated, Uvita, Puntarenas next to National Park Marino Ballena. Additionaly it was proposed: containers design, solid waste management plan record, accountability forms, contact list, waste volumes records, cubic meters against hundred square meters rate and final disposal diagrams. All these documents were developed to be functional for actual and future proyects, in order to improve the solid waste management procedures. Through this investigation, it was possible to determine local companies, which are still resistant against the change required to enable this enviromental commitment. However if there's a follow up and external control it is possible to develop sustainable projects
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2015.