Mejoramiento de los procesos de mantenimiento y control de calidad en la infraestructura de los recintos portuarios del Incop, particularmente Caldera
The present project proposes an alternative to improve and facilitate the inspection works done at Instituto Costarricense de Puertos del Pacífico (Costa Rican Institute of Pacific Ocean Ports). This will be achieved through the designing of a technical inspection civil work manual, which includes some minimal considerations that must be taken into account at the moment of inspection. Such manual also includes a methodology to give priority, to control, and to monitor the activities that require intervention.
The making of this document was done bearing in mind the applicable laws and regulations of the country: Manual de Especificaciones Generales para la Construcción de Carreteras, Caminos y Puentes de Costa Rica (General Specifications Manual for the Building of Highways, Roads and Bridges in Costa Rica) Código Sísmico (Seismic Code) etc. besides the international regulation: American Concrete Institute, American Standard Testing Materials, etc.
This work was developed from the mechanism analysis that the institution uses to carry out supervision. Once multiple factors were analyzed, it was decided to design a series of tools such as verification and prioritization tables, evaluation criteria tables, building work control tables; which, along with a number of technical considerations, are part of the construction technical inspection manual.
It is recommended to implement this manual at the moment of establishing the minimum quality specifications that works must follow, as well as to take into account the proposed methodology to prioritize the building works that need intervention.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2015.