Análisis y mejoramiento de procesos constructivos, en los proyectos de la empresa VIVICON
The objective of this document is to determine
the productivity and performance of two
building processes within the masonry work of
two residential condominiums (Avenir and
Cedro Real) built by Vivicon S.A.
These two processes, which are the most
interesting for the company, where first
selected by expert professional criteria and
later subjected to observations and samplings
that resulted in data to determine productivity
and performance indexes. This information
was useful to apply techniques such as Crew
Balance, Five Minute Rating, and Work
Sampling, as well as to represent processes
graphically using value stream maps, flow and
Ishikawa charts. All of which was intended to
analyze results and recommend
Key aspects were found that affect the
processes causing lower productivity, some
with greater impact as for the site design and
carriage which involve time and cost the
company would not have not considered there
had not been any productivity analysis. The
concepts of productivity and performance
cannot be used indistinctively as they work
together, but are two different principles.
The obtained data is located in a database
created to facilitate the process of budgeting
and programming.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2017.