Control de acceso a condominios
The main purpose of this project is to design a system of interfaces that
improve the access to condominiums and allow standardization of visitors
This work, is part of the career graduation project that is required in the
university of Tecnológico de Costa Rica, to opt for the Bachelor’s degree in
Industrial Design Engineering.
Throughout this document, the methodology proposed in the Ph. D.
Franklin Hernández-Castro’s Cookbook about “Metodología de análisis y
diseño de usabilidad” is developed. The different stages of an analysis and
design process for software tools are executed along this project, with an
exclusive focus of the interface.
Thanks to this work, the project expects to offer a product in its stage
of functional model; which will show all the sections, functions and
conclusions resulting from the design process.
Proyecto de Graduación (Bachillerato en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Diseño Industrial, 2018