Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 107
Establecimiento de las condiciones de termotratamiento de madera de melina (Gmelina arborea) y teca (Tectona grandis) para mejorar sus propiedades (Documento I)
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión (VIE). Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal. Centro de Investigación en Innovación Forestal (CIF), 2016)In recent years, new techniques and processes have emerged, such as heat treatment to modify and improve the properties of wood. This study evaluated the effect of thermo-treatment on physical properties (density, shrinking, ... -
Impulso tecnológico para la producción, transformación y uso de la biomasa para energía y biomateriales a partir de los cultivos forestales lignocelulósicos en el contexto del mecanismo de desarrollo limpio
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal. Centro de Investigación en Innovación Forestal (CIF), 2017)En Costa Rica, el consumo eléctrico para uso residencial es equivalente al promedio mundial. Estimaciones recientes sobre su evolución muestran una tendencia al incremento, que pasará de 750 kWh/habitante por año a cerca ... -
Surface chemical and color characterization of juvenile tectona grandis wood subjected to steam-drying treatments
(2016)The color of Tectona grandis wood is an attribute that favors its commercialization, however, wood color from fast-growth plantation trees is clear and lacks uniformity. The aim of this work is to characterize steamed ... -
Production and quality analysis of pellets manufactured from five potential energy crops in the Northern Region of Costa Rica
(Biomass and Bioenergy, 2016)Modifications to a pellet manufacturing process must be made based on the characteristics of raw material used. The purpose of this work was to determine the alternations required to a wood pellet manufacturing process ... -
Population status of the tree Sacoglottis holdridgei (Humiriaceae) at Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica
(Revista de Biología Tropical, 2016)Isla del Coco is the only oceanic island in the Eastern Pacific with humid tropical climate. Its forests have a particular structure with a unique array of plant species and high endemism. There are few studies on the ... -
IBA efficiency on mini-cutting rooting from teak (Tectona grandis Linn F.) clones
(Revista Arvore, 2016)This study aimed to evaluate IBA efficiency in mini-cuttings rooting based on four Tectona grandis clones. Vegetative samples were collected in a hydroponic mini-clonal hedge in Verde Novo reforestation company at Colider, ... -
Optical performance of finished and unfinished tropical timbers exposed to ultraviolet light in the field in Costa Rica
(Wood Material Science & Engineering, 2016)This study evaluated wood color change (ΔE*) and the surface quality in 10 tropical wood species painted with three finishes (composed of wax and polyurethane). Two weathering conditions were tested: natural weathering ... -
Kiln drying behavior utilizing drying rate of lumber from six fast-growth plantation species in Costa Rica
(Drying Technology, 2016)The objective was to study the effect of the drying time and moisture content variations on the drying rate during kiln drying. The moisture content is a good predictor of the variation in drying rate; to determine the ... -
Ganho genético esperado para melina (Gmelina arborea roxb.) em cordoba (Colômbia)
(Revista Arvore, 2016)El Departamento de Córdoba (Colombia) planea plantar 200000 ha para el 2025 y Gmelina arborea es una de las opciones dada su alta producción de biomasa en turnos cortos. El objetivo del estudio fue estimar el potencial ... -
Evaluation of wood properties from six native species of forest plantations in Costa Rica
(Bosque, 2016)This study details information about physical, chemical and mechanical properties, drying, preservation and workability of wood from Cordia alliodora, Dipteryx panamensis, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Hieronyma alchorneoides, ... -
Effects on density, shrinking, color changing and chemical surface analysis through FTIR of Tectona grandis thermo-treated: Density, shrinking, color changing and chemical analysis by FTIR of the thermally-treated teak wood
(Forest Sciences, 2016)Thermal-treatment wood is used as an option to improve durability of wood in recent years. This study evaluated the effect of temperature in thermally treated Tectona grandis wood in density, shrinking, color changing ... -
Characteristics and properties of torrefied biomass pellets from Gmelina arborea and Dipterix panamensis at different times
(Revista Chapingo, Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente, 2016)Torrefaction and pelletizing were studied in the generation of energy from lignocellulosic residues to increase the energy properties of the biomass. The aim of this study was torrefied sawdust from Gmelina arborea and ... -
Biopulp from pineapple leaf fiber produced by colonization with two white-rot fungi: Trametes versicolor and Pleurotus ostreatus
(BioResources, 2016)Trametes versicolor and Pleurotus ostreatus were used for the biopulping from pineapple leaf fiber (PALF). PALF substrate was subjected to T. versicolor for 2 to 6 weeks and to P. ostreatus for 4 to 8 weeks. The yields, ... -
Evaluation of chemical compositions, air-dry, preservation and workability of eight fastgrowing plantation species in Costa Rica
(Revista Madera y Bosques, 2015)Costa Rica has successfully planted various forestry species for wood production. However, the use of their wood is limited, due to poor knowledge about their chemical properties, air-dry, preserved and workability ... -
Biomass yield and energy potential of short-rotation energy plantations of Gmelina arborea one year old in Costa Rica
(Elsevier, 2016)Short-rotation woody plantations have been recently established in Costa Rica and Gmelina arborea has gained popularity The present work assesses tree diameter and height, biomass distribution, specific gravity, green ... -
Characterisation of pellets made from oil palm residues in Costa Rica
(Journal of Oil Palm Research, 2016)Presently, there are around 67 000 ha of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) in Costa Rica. The resulting post-harvest residues are not being used currently. These residues can be employed for generation of heat by means of ... -
Wood characterization of adult clones of Tecnona grandis growing in Costa Rica
(CERNE, 2015)Tectona grandis is an important wood in the commercial market due to its excellent workability, durability and aesthetic characteristics. Therefore, it is important to improve the conditions of reproduction and development ... -
Fortalecimiento de las capacidades del sector industrial forestal a través de la transferencia y apropiación del conocimiento generado en proyectos de investigación del área de tecnología de productos forestales
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión (VIE). Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal. Centro de Investigación en Innovación Forestal (CIF), 2017)El sector forestal en la última década ha mostrado cambios en su desarrollo, aspectos como sistemas productivos, tecnologías de producción y oferta de productos han variado significativamente, lo que hace necesario el ... -
Diseño, Resistencia y Valores Estructurales de cerchas prefabricadas con Madera de Plantación
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión (VIE). Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal. Centro de Investigación en Innovación Forestal (CIF), 2016)The objective of this research is design two pratt framing trusses for two span, 6 m and 9 m, and fabricated with Gmelina arborea and Hieronyma alchorneoides wood, using two types of fastener (nails and screws). As a ... -
Identificación de actividades futuras del Proyecto Atlas Digital de Costa Rica 2018
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal. Centro de Investigación en Innovación Forestal (CIF), 2017)El proyecto Atlas Digital nace hace 16 años, con el objetivo de actualizar y adaptar la información geográfica de Costa Rica a los avances en cartografía digital. Los resultados del proyecto Atlas Digital de Costa Rica ...