"Propuesta de mejora de gestión de: alcance, costo y tiempo, de los proyectos de la Dirección General de Aviación Civil."
This job involves the diagnosis and proposed
implementation of tools and techniques for
planning and control at the level of scope, cost
and time for infrastructure projects developed by
the Civil Aviation Direction General of Costa Rica.
For this a study of the procedures and
methodologies used today, then the working
model expected by staff and based on this the
techniques and tools are defined tailored to the
characteristics of the public institution. Thus is
achieved detailing the working model project in
the institution and steps of interest. The proposals
defined in terms of the expectations and
requirements of the institution raised so that
allows feedback on the learning of the project
implementation. The development of public
infrastructure projects a series of procedures that
involve various internal and external stakeholders
to enhance the development and the institution is
looking for an ISO 9001 certification to optimize
their work processes.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2014.