Uso de la clasificación geomecánica utilizando el método RMR para la estimación preliminar de los requerimientos de sostenimiento de los taludes en el cerro La Potra del Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Bajo Frío, República de Panamá.
In this project we applied geomechanics
classification detail Rock Mass Rating
(RMR) to estimate preliminary injunction
sustaining the rock slopes of Cerro La
Potra. Furthermore, it provides for a viable
solution stability through shotcrete. The
project aims is to determine the quality of
the rock mass and strength parameters
estimated for the support of the slopes of
Cerro La Potra.
Within the methodology is first necessary to
consider all variables RMR method, which
are essentially the compressive strength of
the rock, the index RQD (Rock Quality
Designation), spacing of discontinuities,
discontinuities status the presence of water
in the rock mass and finally the orientation
of the discontinuities. All these parameters
are determined in situ research.
Generally the RMR geomechanics
classification reported two conditions
predominated medium quality and quality.
The latter was presented at the bottom of
the hill, which is normal since weathering is
greater in the upper slopes.
The fiber-reinforced shotcrete with a
thickness of 5 cm is the optimal solution for
rock slopes of Cerro La Potra margin right
from the point of view of RMR
geomechanics classification
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2013.