Evaluación físico-química, biológica e hidrodinámica del funcionamiento de sistemas de tratamiento prefabricados para el tratamiento de aguas residuales domiciliarias
Picado-Valverde, Sofía de los Ángeles
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In Costa Rica, 70,9% of the population uses septic tank as a system of individual treatment
for domestic wastewater; This percentage represents approximately 800 000 Costa Rican
households. (FOCARD-APS, 2013). However, it is not exactly known if the design,
operation and maintenance of such systems are the most appropriate, since there is not a
national entity responsible for these valuations, so the responsibility is direct and unique by
users. Under this need at the country, the initiative of the evaluation in the operation of
treatment systems prefabricated and mainly consisting of a septic tank and an up flow
anaerobic filter for the treatment of domestic sewage born.
The assessment included a physical, chemical and biological characterization of the quality
and quantity of wastewater produced in three different treatment systems considering hourly
variations; Hydrodynamic evaluation of physical, chemical and biological behavior of the
three types of systems and characterization of the quality and the quantity of sludge
accumulated in each system. Studies were made in some apartments, condos and a house, all
located in Escazú.
From the results, it is concluded that the systems of individual treatment and septic tank are
very sensitive in terms of quantity and quality of wastewater, presenting significant time
variations and are affected by the type of water consumption given in homes; which are
directly related to the operation of the treatment.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Ambiental) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Química, 2016.