Diseño de un sistema de refrigeración por amoniaco para una empresa de indrustria cárnica
The project “Carnes La Pacífica”, which plant is located in Nicaragua, directs its productive activity to bovine meat’s processing. Before its commercialization, the product is stored and for that it must be done in conditions that do not allow its degradation; conditions that can be achieved by refrigeration systems. That is why this work has the purpose of presenting a design proposal for a refrigeration system that satisfies the temperature and humidity conditions in each spaces that require cool needs. That proposal consists in a mechanical compression refrigeration system that uses ammonia as primary refrigerant substance for those spaces destined for refrigeration or freezing application, while for those processing or circulation enclosures, propylene glycol is used as secondary refrigerant.
The design of the proposal was based on the specifications of ASHRAE and IIAR, which includes the determination of the capacities required by the equipment according to the thermal load of operation, the sizing of the pipe network, the selection of the equipment, drawings of the equipment distribution, the compilation of information about equipment maintenance and the cost estimation of the project. From the previous it was determined that the thermal capacity of the system is 315 tons of refrigeration (1 108 kW), for what it was proposed to use a double stage ammonia compression system, using a hybrid between flooded and recirculated systems for evaporators feed and an evaporative condenser for the system heat rejection; while the system with propylene glycol was modeled as a hydronic system, where a heat exchanger is used to thermally interconnect both systems. This makes the project cost of $ 1 971 868.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Mantenimiento Industrial) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electromecánica, 2017.