Integrating academic analytics for supporting accreditation and international cooperation: TEC and UABCS experience

Chacón-Rivas, Mario
Francesa-Alfaro, Agustín
Carreño-León, Mónica
Sandoval-Bringas, Andrés
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Information is the most important asset of organizations,
currently, the fast, effective and accurate access is vital
for strategic decision making and the organizations competitiveness.
The education area is not the exception, so this article
aims to share the experiences of collaboration between two
Universities about learning analitycs and academic analytics
tools, to motivate other universities to generate collaboration
links. In this article, we refer the differences between learning
analytics and academic analytics, the description of some tools
developed at the Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica and ´
the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur, focused ´
on these topics and the experiences of collaboration between
both universities in two ways: sharing the current tools and
how to develop new tools, capable of integrating with the
infrastructure of each university in particular.
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