Browsing Artículos by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
A CFD parametric study on the performance of a low-temperature-differential γ-type Stirling engine
(Elsevier Ltd, 2015-12)An in-house CFD code has been applied to a low-temperature-differential (LTD) γ-type Stirling engine to understand the effects posed by several geometrical and operational parameters on engine performance. The results ... -
A Recommender System for Learning Objects on a Learning Management System: Implementation Experience
(LACLO 2016, 2016)This paper aims to present the experience of implementing a recommender system for selecting learning objects (LO) for lessons through the Learning Management System (LMS) of Costa Rica Institute of Technology. Our ... -
Age Hardening in Ultrafine-Grained Al-2 Pct Fe Alloy Processed by High-Pressure Torsion
(Springer Boston, 2015-06)A cast Al-2 wt pct Fe alloy was processed by high-pressure torsion (HPT) at room temperature and then subjected to artificial aging at temperatures of 373 K and 473 K (100 °C and 200 °C). The aging behavior was studied by ... -
An impact evaluation of a fund to finance innovation in SMEs
(Emeral, 2016)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to estimate the impact of one productive development program (PROPYME) in a developing nation like Costa Rica. This program seeks to increase the capacity of small and medium-sized ... -
Authenticity and versioning of learning objects using the digital signature infrastructure of Costa Rica
(LACLO 2016, 2016)There are a large number of educational resources available on the Internet through different repositories. However, authenticity methods of learning objects has not been widely adopted by repositories, making it difficult ... -
Beyond productivity and continuous improvement: Fundamentals required for lean complex transformation unpublished
(Elsevier, 2016)Lean Practices are well known and applied worldwide; their implementation purpose must be tailor-made because each firm is unique. There is a whole “management philosophy” behind it; its origins are based on Toyota’s Just ... -
Competencias de comportamiento, determinando la existencia de una brecha entre la academia y el mercado laboral de TI
(INTERFASES, 2023)Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar las competencias de comportamiento relevantes para los profesionales de las tecnologías de la información (TI) y determinar si existe una brecha entre las competencias desarrolladas ... -
Desafíos y estrategias para mantener un repositorio institucional actualizado y novedoso
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Departamento Servicios Bibliotecarios, TEC Digital., 2018)Un repositorio institucional es un sistema de información que reúne, conserva, preserva, divulga y da acceso a la producción intelectual y académica de las comunidades. Para la creación de un repositorio se debe tomar en ... -
Efecto de un difusor tipo wind lens en flujo turbulento
(Uniciencia Vol. 35(2), pp. 1-15, 2021-07-31)El objetivo fue medir el efecto de un concentrador de flujo tipo wind lens en el caso de flujo turbulento. El estudio se realizó en el túnel de viento de capa límite del Instituto de Investigación en Mecánica Aplicada de ... -
Estrategia de Visibilidad de Recursos Educativos Abiertos para el Sistema de Educación Costarricense a través de un Repositorio Institucional
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2016)The educational materials generated at the university have high quality and a huge potential to be useful to a large number of students and teachers. However, these educational resources themselves can not be used by ... -
Estudio de opinión y efectividad de los clientes en relación con las promociones de recarga en el mercado de telecomunicaciones en Costa Rica.
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica., 2013)El presente artículo pretende demostrar el nivel de satisfacción que poseen los usuarios de telefonía celular prepago, no sólo con el servicio que actualmente se les ofrece, sino también con las promociones que en las que ... -
Experiencia de fortalecimiento del RepositorioTEC: mejoras en el proceso de recolección de documentos para aumentar la visibilidad
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)La publicación, gestión, preservación y divulgación de la memoria intelectual desarrollada por estudiantes, profesores e investigadores en una universidad es de suma importancia, pero muchos miembros de la comunidad ... -
Experiencia en el uso de herramientas y procesos para mejorar la visibilidad de un repositorio institucional basado en DSpace:
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2015)El poster hace un recorrido de la historia del RepositorioTEC, repositorio institucional del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Cómo se ha desarrollado desde 2002 hasta 2015. -
Implementation of Software Quality Control in E-Learning development projects: TEC Digital
(IEEE, 2017)The quality control in software applications that support the teaching-learning process is of great impact to the end user and their academic success. This paper describes the proposal of a quality control model called ... -
Integrating academic analytics for supporting accreditation and international cooperation: TEC and UABCS experience
(IEEE, 2017)Information is the most important asset of organizations, currently, the fast, effective and accurate access is vital for strategic decision making and the organizations competitiveness. The education area is not the ... -
Irazú: cubesat mission architecture and development
(Scopus, 2016)The Central American Association of Aeronautics and Space (ACAE) and the Costa Rican Institute of Technology (TEC), in partnership with industry and government, have identified the promotion of aerospace as a very promising ... -
Learning styles comparison based on a classification methodology
(IEEE, 2017)Learning styles have been used to explain students’ differences in approaching their learning, but there are still deficiencies in interpreting the results of their application, and there are authors that indicate that ... -
La matemática como dominio masculino: un estudio de la percepción en la educación media costarricense
(Revista Electrónica Educare (Educare Electronic Journal), 2021)Se presentan los resultados de un estudio de la percepción de la matemática como dominio masculino, en estudiantes de educación media oficial diurna costarricense, realizado con la intención de evaluar la necesidad de ... -
Opportunities for renewable energy electrification in remote areas of Costa Rica
(2019)Countries around the world are politically driven to move toward a low-carbon future by embracing renewable energies technologies for electricity generation. With abundance of renewable energy resources, Costa Rica has ... -
Potential aplication of bank filtration in Santa Catarina, Brasil
(Interciencia, 2016)A filtração em margem (FM) consiste na obtenção de água de um aquífero e de um manancial por meio de poços ou galerias nas margens de mananciais superficiais com conexão hidráulica entre ambos. Para determinar as áreas ...