Implementación de la filosofía Lean en la producción de concreto con autohormigonera
The following investigation seeks the Lean
philosophy implementation on the concrete
production process with a self-propelled mixer,
developing a methodology that involves Lean
At the beginning, the necessary requirements for
the methodology were determined, advantages
and disadvantages of operating with the
equipment, too. Then, the information control and
evaluation tools before, during, and after the
concrete production process were developed.
Once the control tools are settled, the concrete
production process without a Lean Construction
implementation was evaluated through travel
diagrams, flow diagrams and value stream
mapping. Also, a productivity analysis of the
concrete placement process was made. A costs
analysis used all the previous information and
showed unbearable losses for the enterprise. With
this on mind, the spotted improvements were
implemented and, using Lean, there were
improvements on the processes that went over a
50%, and the costs were lowered in a 30%, which
made them bearable for the company.
After the implementation, decision making tools for
the equipment use on future projects were created.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2017.