Artículos: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Comparison of three different staining methods for the morphometric characterization of Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) sperm, using ISAS® CASA-Morph system
(Nova Biologica Reperta, 2019)Sperm morphometry is a part of the semen analysis based on CASA technology and has shown a big role in the prediction of male fertility. This analysis implies the use of stain techniques, although it has been shown that ... -
The application of computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) technology to optimise semen evaluation. A review
(Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2020)Currently, artificial insemination (AI) is the most applied technique for assisted reproduction in the livestock industry. The traditional analysis of seminal quality includes the evaluation of concentration and motility ... -
Relationship between fertility traits and kinematics in clusters of boar ejaculates
(Biology, 2021)Swine reproduction efficiency is determined by the fertility potential of the sow and sperm quality. The objective of this study is to compare boar sperm motility and kinematic features to evaluate their relationships ... -
Predictive capacity of boar sperm morphometry and morphometric sub-populations on reproductive success after artificial insemination
(Animals, 2021)The efficiency of swine production measured as litter size influences the prof itability of the pig industry. Furthermore, sow fertility potential depends in part on the boar semen quality and reproductive efficiency. The ... -
Perceptions of animal welfare on livestock: evidence from college agronomy students in Costa Rica
(Animals, 2024)This article focuses on students dedicated to the study of agronomy. To identify the general perception of students about animal welfare in production systems, four categories were developed and presented through a survey. ... -
Optimization CASA-Mot analysis of donkey sperm: optimum frame rate and values of kinematic variables for different counting chamber and fields
(Animals, 2020)A reliable sperm motility exam is important for semen analysis and breeding soundness examination. Different parameters can affect the Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA) motility results. Today, new high-resolution ... -
Caracterización morfométrica y clasificación de los espermatozoides de vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) usando el sistema ISAS® CASA-Morph
(Spermova, 2021)he aim of the study was to determine the morphological and morphometric characteristics of the vicuña sperm (Vicugna vicugna), looking for possible subpopulations in its structure. Semen was collected by electroejaculation ... -
Morfometría y subpoblaciones de espermatozoides de llama (Lama glama) usando el sistema ISAS® CASA-Morph
(Revistas de Investigación y Veterinaria del Perú (RIVEP), 2021)El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la existencia de subpoblaciones espermáticas según la morfometría de los espermatozoides de llama, utilizando un sistema CASA Morph. Se colectó semen de cuatro llamas Q’ara de 4-6 ... -
Los sistemas CASA como solución en los centros de producción de dosis seminales porcinas
(UTN Informa, 2017)El objetivo de la realización de un análisis espermático en cerdos consiste en tratar de estimar el nivel de fertilidad de la muestra analizada. Históricamente, se han tratado de definir criterios de corte para determinar ... -
Kinematic sub-populations in bull spermatozoa: a comparison of classical and bayesian approaches
(Biology, 2020)The ejaculate is heterogenous and sperm sub-populations with different kinematic patterns can be identified in various species. Nevertheless, although these sub-populations are statistically well defined, the statistical ... -
Kinematic and morphometric assessment of fresh semen, before, during and after mating period in brahman bulls
(Animals, 2024)The objective of the present study was to determine the effects that the reproductive season has on the motility, kinematics, morphology, and sperm morphometry of Brahman bulls evaluated with a commercial CASA system. ... -
Influence of fat-soluble vitamin intramuscular supplementation on kinematic and morphometric sperm parameters of boar ejaculates
(Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2022)Ejaculate quality can be regarded as multifactorial, with nutrition being a factor that could directly influence sperm parameters. The present study aimed to evaluate seminal quality associated with seasonal fat-soluble ... -
Evaluación de la cinética y movilidad espermática de verracos en condiciones tropicales
(Actas Iberoamericanas de Conservación Animal (AICA), 2018)Sperm motility is linked to the energy level of the reproductive cell. The aim was to determine the influence of breed on reproductive variables of semen quality, kinetics and motility. Data were collected from 524 ... -
Efecto de la suplementación con vitaminas liposolubles sobre los patrones de movilidad y cinética en semen de verraco
(Revista Iniciación Científica, 2023)La suplementación vitamínica es importante para optimizar el potencial reproductivo del verraco. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad seminal del eyaculado de verracos suplementados con vitaminas liposolubles ... -
Detrimental effects of non-functional spermatozoa on the freezability of functional spermatozoa from boar ejaculate
(PLOS One, 2012)In the present study, the impact of non-functional spermatozoa on the cryopreservation success of functional boar spermatozoa was evaluated. Fifteen sperm-rich ejaculate fractions collected from five fertile boars were ... -
Condiciones óptimas del análisis CASA-Mot del semen de verraco: efecto de la tasa de fotogramas para diferentes cámaras y campos de recuento espermático
(2021)El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el efecto de la tasa de fotogramas sobre diferentes profundidades de cámara de recuento espermático en semen de verraco y analizar la distribución de los espermatozoides en los ... -
Are there differences between methods used for the objective estimation of boar sperm concentration and motility?
(2023)Estimation of seminal quality can be carried out by examining different pa rameters. Such parameters directly influence the preparation of seminal doses used in artificial insemination in pigs. Sperm motility and concentration ... -
A new approach of sperm motility subpopulation structure in donkey and horse
(Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2021)This study aimed to characterize the sperm kinematic values with high frames per second, to define the subpopulation structure of a horse and a donkey and compare them. A total of 57 fresh semen ejaculates (26 Spanish ... -
Resultados de la implementación de tecnologías solares en sistemas de producción agropecuaria en Costa Rica
(2017)La alta dependencia por los combustibles fósiles insta a buscar alternativas que permitan una producción más limpia y que contribuyan a mitigar los efectos del cambio climático. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste ... -
La selección de cultivares como herramienta para el desarrollo de productos mínimamente procesados en fresco
(Universidad Nacional Bastidas de Arurimac, 2018)Actualmente, los consumidores tienen a su disposición una gran variedad de productos con diferente grado de elaboración. Dentro de estos productos sobresalen aquellos clasificados dentro de la IV Gama, también conocidos ...