Teacher training model - towards a Collaborative Rubric Bank

Espinoza-Guzmán, Julia
Gamboa-Camacho, Pablo
Chacón-Rivas, Mario
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Beyond providing alternatives to build rubrics, a
group of researchers in Tecnológico de Costa Rica found the
need to implement best practices in the definition and validation
of evaluation rubrics, to encourage the creation of a Higher
Education bank of assessment instruments. To achieve this goal,
in the Tecnológico de Costa Rica, a teacher training process
was established, which includes cooperative-collaborative work,
scaffolding for the construction of knowledge and assessment
tests carried out in the institutional LMS. The ultimate purpose
is to build skills in teachers to design more robust rubrics and
thus to form an institutional bank of evaluation instruments to
share among colleagues. The first results meet the expectations
established for the training model, as well as those of the teachers
who participate in the training and use the rubrics for evaluation
in their courses, as shown in the paper.
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