Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 101-120 de 619
Propuesta de control para máquina cortadora y selladora
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)This document presents the design and simulation of control system for plastic bag cutting and sealing machine. This control is necessary because exists a risk of affectation in case of fail in the machine, since the ... -
Implementación de un algoritmo de reconocimiento de patrones en señales biomédicas para su evaluación en un microprocesador basado en la Arquitectura de Set de Instrucciones RISC V
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)In this document, the development of an event/pattern recognition system in ECG signals is presented. The event detection is performed via a cross-correlation algorithm, using real biomedical signals represented in a ... -
Development of a multi-core and multi-accelerator platform for approximate computing
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)Changing environment in the current technologies have introduce a gap between the ever growing needs of users and the state of present designs. As high data and hard computation applications moved forward in the near ... -
Implementación de la etapa de arranque (bootstrap) de un microprocesador basado en RISC-V para el Sistema de Reconocimiento de Patrones Acústicos (SiRPA).
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)In the following work, a unit of program instruction loading (hereinafter bootstrap unit) was carried on the RISC-V based microprocessor of the Acoustic Pattern Recognition System (SiRPA). At the time of the development ... -
Caracterización y Comparación de las Arquitecturas de Unidades Centrales de Procesamiento Generadas en Rocketchip
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)This paper reports the measurement power of the Rocket architectures generated by the Rocketchip tool. The characterization was carried out by the use of VCS and Verilator simulators and by the practical implementation ... -
Macromodel Extraction for Drivers in High-Speed Communications Channels
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2015)This thesis describes the process performed for extracting a descriptive macromodel for a generic transmitter block at IC level for high-speed channels applications. The work has been focused on a first approach to ... -
Desarrollo de una herramienta para la generación de circuitos aritméticos aproximados
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)Approximate computing is presented as a new paradigm that among many application layers, allows the design of energy e cient circuits. This taking advantage of that many applications have some tolerance to losses in the ... -
Diseño de un sistema de Control de Acceso de bajo costo para la Municipalidad de Orotina
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)The Orotina Municipality's has a service platform in which most of the procedures are performed, in this way allows the users to carry out their formalities without having to move from one department to another. This ... -
Diseño e implementación de una Unidad Aritmética de Coma Flotante (FPU) genérica y fexible
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2016)A methodology that measures the DSP performance of a ASP with low-power target applications is presented. Additionally, the timing, area and power synthesis results for an adder, a multiplier and a CORDIC oating point ... -
Sistema para la evaluación de parámetros eléctricos de micro inversores de sistemas fotovoltaicos
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)This document presents the development of a system to evaluate electrical parameters in a micro inverter of photovoltaic systems, for which a network emulator was designed programming algorithms in Python for the management ... -
Sistema de adquisición de datos y control automático de las variables físicas que influyen en el proceso de corrosión y degradación del concreto reforzado en una cámara de carbonatación acelerada
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)Civil infrastructure is one of the most important components for the development of society, especially when it comes to a developing country such as ours. That is why the Technological Institute of Costa Rica and the ... -
Prototipo de sistema electrónico para la adquisición de datos que permitan caracterizar el recurso solar aprovechable de una zona determinada
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)In this project is introduced a design, implementation, and evaluation of a prototype created to obtain data that could be used to obtain approximately the amount of usable solar resource. For this application it's used ... -
Sistema electrónico para el correcto ensamble de conectores y sistema de visión artificial, para el reconocimiento de fallas en el patrón de color de los cables en conectores discretos.
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)Cables and connectors represent the fundamental base of electronic systems without them most of the devices used daily as cell phones, tablet computers among many others, would not work. For example, if there are flaws in ... -
Elaboración de un prototipo de sistema controlador de carga de baterías de ácido plomo e ion litio de 24v por medio de energía solar
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)This document allows to collect in detail the process of design and implementation of a prototype solar charger system of 24V batteries of lead acid and lithium ion at the Technological Institute of Costa Rica. This ... -
Reducción del consumo eléctrico para la independencia energética en la subestación del Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad El Coco
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2017)Today the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) is immersed in a policy of developed of electricity generation projects through the use of renewable sources, in order to achieve the carbon neutrality certification ... -
Integración de un microprocesador de aplicación específica en un flujo de diseño de circuitos integrados digitales
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2016)This document presents a semipersonalized design methodology of digital integrated circuits, by using of Synopsys tools and a 0,13 m CMOS technology. The design ow is made through a scripting structure, mainly in ... -
Medidor de la masa neta del café de un silo en el beneficio CoopeVictoria
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2016)The following thesis meticulously explains what the steps are for measuring product level. This is through the speed of light in a silo that contains dry parchment coffee during days, weeks or months. The best form to ... -
Diseño y desarrollo de un dispositivo de riego inteligente para cultivos mediante la elaboración de una pasarela KNX
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2016)This project was conducted in Building Innovation Systems, company in charge of building automation with the KNX standard. Currently the company does not have a capable means of integrating their solutions outside their ... -
Diseño de una plataforma de interconexión para evaluación de un circuito integrado en alta frecuencia para espectroscopía de impedancia eléctrica
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2016)An initiative is being developed between TUHH (Technische Universit at Hamburg-Harburg) and ITCR (Instituto Tecnol ogico de Costa Rica), its goal is to analyze biological samples through the EIS (Electrical Impedance ... -
Sistema de adquisición de datos y control automático del proceso de medición para la determinación de gradientes de densidad de materiales estructurales por medio de radiación gamma.
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2016)In the never-ending quest for new and increasingly “smart” materials capable of providing comprehensive and innovative solutions to the various problems within the daily engineering tasks, porous materials, especially ...