Mostrando ítems 281-300 de 565

    • Constructing a small modular stellarator in Latin America 

      Asenjo, J.; Carvajal-Godínez, Johan; González-Gómez, J.; Soto-Soto, C.; Piedra, C.; Barillas-Mora, Laura; Mora-Meléndez, Jaime; Otárola-Zúñiga, Carlos; Zamora-Picado, Esteban; Vargas-Blanco, Iván (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015-03)
      This paper aims at briefly describing the design and construction issues of the stellarator of Costa Rica 1 (SCR-1). The SCR-1 is a small modular stellarator for magnetic confinement of plasma developed by the Plasma ...
    • Atmospheric-Pressure Non-thermal Plasma-JET effects on PS and PE surfaces 

      Arrieta, J.; Asenjo, J.; Solís, Y.; Vargas-Blanco, Iván (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015-03)
      The Atmospheric-Pressure Non-Thermal Plasma (APNTP) has become a topic of a great interest for a wide spectrum of applications in different industry branches, including the surface of treatment processes. In this work we ...
    • Design of a Prototype of Water Purification by Plasma Technology as the Foundation for an Industrial Wastewater Plant. 

      Barillas-Mora, Laura (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015-03)
      In order to mitigate the contamination of water sources due to the spill of sewage without any kind of treatment, mainly generated by the industrial sector; a prototype of water purification by plasma technology has been ...
    • Are magnetic resonances practical transport controllers in fusion plasmas? the TJ-II experience 

      López-Bruna, D.; Romero, J.; Vargas-Blanco, Iván (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015-03)
      The TJ-II stellarator is a mid-size Heliac design (high rotational transform, low magnetic shear) that allows for external control of the rotational transform profile. The long experience with locating diverse magnetic ...
    • Application of the X-ray densitometry in the evaluation of the quality and mechanical properties of biomass pellets 

      Tomazello-Filho, Mario; Valaert, Jorre; Tenorio-Monge, Carolina; Moya-Roque, Róger (Elsevier, 2015-04)
      The use of the X-ray technique and the X-ray densitometry to determine pellet particle distribution and to understand the biomass compaction and its effects in pellet properties has been limited. The present work evaluates ...
    • Application of block matrix theory to obtain the inverse transform of the vector-valued DFT 

      Soto-Quiros, Pablo (Hikari Ltd., 2015)
      We study the vector-valued discrete Fourier transform (vector-valued DFT) and its inverse transform, the vector-valued DFT inversion, through its block matrix representation. These transforms are defined for N- periodic ...
    • A top-down design approach for an automated testing framework 

      Méndez-Porras, Abel; Nieto-Hidalgo, Mario; García-Chamizo, Juan-Manuel; Jenkins, Marcelo; Martínez-Porras, Alexander (Springer Verlag, 2015)
      Mobile applications have become popular work tools. Portability and ease of Internet connectivity are characteristics that favor this adoption. However, mobile applications sometimes incorrectly process events associated ...
    • A Parallel Framework with Block Matrices of a Discrete Fourier Transform for Vector-Valued Discrete-Time Signals 

      Soto-Quiros, Pablo (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2015)
      This paper presents a parallel implementation of a kind of discrete Fourier transform (DFT): the vector-valued DFT. The vector-valued DFT is a novel tool to analyze the spectra of vector-valued discrete-time signals. This ...
    • Camel: collective-aware message logging 

      Kalé, Laxmikant; Meneses-Rojas, Esteban (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2015-03)
      The continuous progress in the performance of supercomputers has made possible the understanding of many fundamental problems in science. Simulation, the third scientific pillar, constantly demands more powerful machines ...
    • Energy-Aware Signal Integrity Analysis for High-Speed PCB Links 

      Muller, Sebastián; Reuschel, Torsten; Rimolo-Donadio, Renato; Kwark, Young; Bruns, Heinz-Dietrich; Schuster, Christian (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015-05)
      This paper proposes a novel approach to evaluate design alternatives for high-speed links on printed circuit boards. The approach combines evaluations of signal integrity and link input power. For a comprehensive analysis, ...
    • Landscape-scale controls on aboveground forest carbon stocks on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica 

      Taylor, Philip; Asner, Gregory; Dahlin, Kyla; Anderson, Christopher; Knapp, David; Martin, Roberta; Mascaro, Joseph; Chazdon, Robin; Cole, Rebecca; Wanek, Wolfgang; Hofhansl, Florian; Vilchez-Alvarado, Braulio; Townsend, Alan; Malavassi-Ortíz, Edgar (Public Library of Science, 2015-06)
      Tropical forests store large amounts of carbon in tree biomass, although the environmental controls on forest carbon stocks remain poorly resolved. Emerging airborne remote sensing techniques offer a powerful approach to ...
    • General, physical and mechanical properties, termites resistance and drying defects of lumber of Tectona grandis from plantations of different climatic and sites fertility condition 

      Serrano-Montero, Rafael; González-Trejos, Guillermo; Córdoba-Foglia, Rafael; Moya-Roque, Róger; Berrocal-Jiménez, Alexander (Springer India, 2015-06)
      The influence of climatic and site fertility conditions affect wood quality from fast growing trees. The change in tree diameter, thickness of sapwood, heartwood percentage and bark and pith tissue, physical and mechanical ...
    • 30-Gb/s Optical Link Combining Heterogeneously Integrated III–V/Si Photonics With 32-nm CMOS Circuits 

      Dupuis, Nicolas; Lee, Benjamin; Proesel, Jonathan; Rylyakov, Alexander; Rimolo-Donadio, Renato; Baks, Christian; Abhijeet, Ardey; Schow, Clint; Ramaswamy, Anand; Roth, Jonathan; Robert, Guzzon; Koch, Brian; Sparacin, Daniel; Fish, Greg (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015-02)
      We present a silicon photonics optical link utilizing heterogeneously integrated photonic devices driven by low-power advanced 32-nm CMOS integrated circuits. The photonic components include a quantum-confined Stark effect ...
    • Using migratable objects to enhance fault tolerance schemes in supercomputers 

      Mendes, Celso; Meneses-Rojas, Esteban; Xiang, Ni; Gengbin, Zheng (IEEE Computer Society, 2015-07)
      Supercomputers have seen an exponential increase in their size in the last two decades. Such a high growth rate is expected to take us to exascale in the timeframe 2018-2022. But, to bring a productive exascale environment ...
    • The role of tropical dry forests for biodiversity, carbon and water conservation in the neotropics: lessons learned and opportunities for its sustainable management 

      Portillo-Quintero, Carlos; Sanchez-Azofeifa, Arturo; Calvo-Alvarado, Julio; Quesada, Mauricio; Espirito-Santo, Mario Marcos (Springer-Verlag France, 2015-08)
      In this paper, we provide a comprehensive evaluation of the current regional literature associated with tropical dry forest (TDF) along three main axes: biodiversity, carbon and water conservation in the neotropics. Our ...
    • Recommendations for the use of tree models to estimate national forest biomass and assess their uncertainty 

      Matieu, Henry; Cifuentes-Jara, Miguel; Réjou-Méchain, Maxime; Piotto, Daniel; Michel-Fuentes, José María (Springer-Verlag France, 2015-09)
      Three options are proposed to improve the accuracy of national forest biomass estimates and decrease the uncertainty related to tree model selection depending on available data and national contexts. Introduction: Different ...
    • Cultivo in vitro de Geophila macropoda (Ruiz & Pav.DC) a partir de embriones cigóticos 

      Vargas-Castillo, Pilar; Abdelnour-Esquivel, Ana (2010)
      El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar un protocolo para el cultivo in vitro de Geophila macropoda. Este trabajo se efectuó en Guácimo de Limón, Costa Rica, entre junio del 2006 y febrero del 2007. En la fase ...
    • Brotación in vitro de brotes de teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) 

      Rojas-Parajeles, Fabiana; Abdelnour-Esquivel, Ana (2012)
      Teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) is an exotic timber species introduced to Costa Rica for commercial plantations due to the high demand for its wood, rapid growth and high-quality. Initially the seed was use as the only planting ...
    • Crioconservación de semillas de teca (Tectona grandis L. f) 

      Hine-Gómez, Ana; Vargas-Castillo, Pilar; Abdelnour-Esquivel, Ana (2013)
      La teca (Tectona grandis L.f) es un árbol tropical con gran demanda por la alta calidad de su madera y rápido crecimiento. Los programas de mejoramiento genético para esta especie han dado como resultado semillas de mejor ...
    • Guidelines for documenting and reporting tree allometric equations 

      Cifuentes-Jara, Miguel; Matieu, Henry; Réjou-Méchain, Maxime; Wayson, Craig; Zapata-Cuartas, Mauricio; Piotto, Daniel; Alice-Guier, Federico; Castañeda-Lombis, Héctor; Castellanos-López, Edwin (Springer-Verlag France, 2015-09)
      Given the pressing need to quantify carbon fluxes associated with terrestrial vegetation dynamics, an increasing number of researchers have sought to improve estimates of tree volume, biomass, and carbon stocks. Tree ...