Diseño del sistema de control automático de arranque, acople a la red y detención de la planta hidroeléctrica La Rebeca de la Marina
The micro hydroelectric plant La Rebeca de La Marina, which it has a power generation of
35kW, does not have any automatic control about the variables of generation, because of
that, the efficiency in the synchronization and the startup is reduced. Also, in case of fault,
the plant could suffer a serious damage because it is unable to stop automatically.
It is designed an automatic control system of turbine velocity and another related with the
automatic control of the generated voltage by the generator, both of those systems are
completely automatic, and are constituted with sensors and actuators controlled by
regulators obtained from the analysis of the theoretical mathematic model, obtaining a
derivative compensator for the velocity control and a PID for the regulation of the voltage.
Also, it is implemented a module in charge of the monitoring and detention of the
hydroelectric plant in case of mechanical or electrical faults, through the automation of the
main valve type gate and the installation of sensors.
For the system of automatic synchronization, it is proposed the use of an automatic digital
synchroscope, able to monitoring the electrical variables to execute the coupling.
Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Mecatrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Área Académica de Ingeniería en Mecatrónica, 2015.